本期目录 | 林瑞峰,吴嘉伟,赖家厚,张友仲,项婷婷,潘志祥 乌岩岭国家自然保护区鳞齿?属一新种及幼体毛序记述(弹尾纲:长角?科)--林瑞峰,吴嘉伟,赖家厚,张友仲,项婷婷,潘志祥 (A new species of the genus Lepidodens (Collembola: Entomobryidae) from Wuyanling National Nature Reserve, with description of larval chaetotaxy--Ruifeng LIN, Jiawei WU, Jiahou LAI, Youzhong ZHANG, Tingting XIANG and Zhixiang PAN)[178] 2024,Vol.(3):1. [摘要] [PDF (283k)] | | 张灿,孙定安,黄少彬 长宗囚盾蚧属一新种记述(半翅目:蚧次目:盾蚧科)--张灿,孙定安,黄少彬 (A new species in the genus Diaonidia Takahashi (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Diaspididae) from China--Can ZHANG, Ding’an SUN and Shaobin HUAN)[149] 2024,Vol.(3):1. [摘要] [PDF (343k)] | | 王佳丽,冯磊,江津渊,魏琮 越螗蝉属Vietanna修订并记二新种(半翅目:蝉科)--王佳丽,冯磊,江津渊,魏琮 (A review of Vietanna (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) with descriptions of two new species from China--Jiali WANG, Lei FENG, Jinyuan JIANG and Cong WEI)[145] 2024,Vol.(3):1. [摘要] [PDF (685k)] | | 巫仁辉,张春敏,陈乃中,杨定 中国重庆黄隐肩舞虻属Elaphropeza一新种(双翅目:舞虻科)--巫仁辉,张春敏,陈乃中,杨定 (One new species in the genus Elaphropeza (Diptera: Empididae) from Chongqing, China--Renhui WU, Chunmin ZHANG, Naizhong CHEN and Ding YANG)[143] 2024,Vol.(3):1. [摘要] [PDF (186k)] | | 邓侃,肖杨,杨曼,张智超,张瑞雷 苔摇蚊属中国一新种记述(双翅目:摇蚊科)--邓侃,肖杨,杨曼,张智超,张瑞雷 (One new species in the genus Bryophaenocladius Thienemann (Chironomidae: Diptera) from China--Kan DENG, Yang XIAO, Man YANG, Zhichao ZHANG and Ruilei ZHANG)[153] 2024,Vol.(3):1. [摘要] [PDF (289k)] | | 魏美才,牛耕耘 愈胸叶蜂属系统学地位评述及二型愈胸叶蜂重新描述(膜翅目:叶蜂科)--魏美才,牛耕耘 (On the systematic position of Cacosyndya Kirby (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) with redescription of Cacosyndya dimorpha Freymuth--Meicai WEI and Gengyun NIU)[149] 2024,Vol.(3):1. [摘要] [PDF (218k)] | | 肖炜,胡锦花,刘琳,魏美才 西藏扁蜂二新种暨喜马拉雅地区扁蜂科种类检索表(膜翅目)--肖炜,胡锦花,刘琳,魏美才 (Two new species of Pamphiliidae (Hymenoptera) from Xizang with a key to species from the Himalaya region--Wei XIAO, Jinhua HU, Lin LIU and Meicai WEI)[157] 2024,Vol.(3):1. [摘要] [PDF (336k)] | | 沈梦姝,戴武 中国条背叶蝉属二新种(半翅目:叶蝉科:角顶叶蝉亚科)--沈梦姝,戴武 (Two new species in the bamboo-feeding genus Tiaobeinia (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) from China--Mengshu SHEN and Wu DAI)[] 2024,Vol.(3):1. [摘要] [PDF (245k)] | | 钟承恩,谢庆乐,司尧尧,张雅林 西方蜜蜂对秦岭及其周边地区传粉蜂的群落组成及其传粉网络的影响--钟承恩,谢庆乐,司尧尧,张雅林 (Effect of Apis mellifera on community composition of local pollinator bees and their pollination network in Qinling Mountains and surrounding areas--Cheng’en ZHONG, Qingle XIE, Yaoyao SI and Yalin ZHANG)[] 2024,Vol.(3):1. [摘要] [PDF (1794k)] |
季刊 1979-03-25创刊
主管单位: |
中华人民共和国教育部 |
主办单位: |
西北农林科技大学、中国昆虫学会 |
主 编: |
张雅林 |
通信地址: |
陕西杨凌西北农林科技大学南校区植保学院33号信箱 |
邮 编: |
712100 |
征订发行: |
029-87092524 |
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2095-8609 |
国内统一刊号:CN 61-1495/Q |
编辑部自办发行 |