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引用本文:Rozko.,R Knuts.,L.1991,中国沼蝇科二新种(双翅目:沼蝇科).Entomotaxonomia,(1):
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Rozko.  R Knuts.  L
捷克J.E.Purkyne大学自然科学学院,美国农业部农业研究局欧州杂草生物防治实验室 意大利罗马
中文摘要:本文记述了采自中国东北沼蝇科的二个新种:Pherbellia orientalis sp.nov.属于该属的P.dorsata种团,其主要特征是翅部分为黑色,前足基跗节为鲜明的白色;Elgivamanchuricasp.nov.与该属的一个种E.divisa(Loew)相似,但可从新种光裸的前胸腹板和不同形状构造的雄性外生殖器予以区别。 新种的模式标本保存于德国波恩Alexander Koenig博物馆。
中文关键词:沼蝇科 新种
Two New Species of Sciomyzidae (Diptera)from Palaearctic China
RUDOLF ROZKOSNYDepartment of Environmental Studies,Natural Science Faculty,J. K Purkyne University,Kotlarska 2,611 37 Brno,Czechoslovakiaand LLOYD KNUTSONBiological Controol of Weeds Laboratory-Europe,United States Department of Agriculture,Agricultural R
Abstract:Two new species of Sciomyzidae from Manchuria (Northeastern China) are described. Pherbellia orientalis sp. n. belongs to the P. dorsata group and is characterized by partly darkened wings and a contrasting white fore basitarsus. Elgiva manchurica sp. n. is apparently related to E divisa (Loew) but differs by the bare prosternum and differently shaped structures of the male genitalia.
keywords:Taxonomy, Pherbillia orientalis sp. n., Elgiva manchurica sp. n., Manchuria
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