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赵卓  奚耕思
吉林师范大学生命科学学院 吉林四平136000(赵卓)
,陕西师范大学生命科学学院 陕西西安710062(奚耕思)
中文摘要:通过组织学观察与测量对网翅蝗科(直翅目:蝗总科)中3种蝗虫卵子发生各阶段进行比较和分析,3种蝗虫分别为:绿牧草蝗Omocestus viridulus(Linnaeus),素色异爪蝗Euchorthippus unicolor(Ikonn.)和条纹异爪蝗Euchorthippus vittatus Zheng。结果表明,在蝗虫卵子发生过程中,卵母细胞体积和形态变化显著,呈现指数增长模式;细胞核体积增长在发育初期增长显著,后期变化不显著;滤泡细胞体积和形态及数量呈现周期性变化规律;比较种间差异发现不同种蝗虫的卵子发生存在不同的发育进程。
Comparison of Oogenesis of Three Species of Arcypteridae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea)
ZHAO Zhuo  XI Geng-si
Abstract:By using measure and analysis in biological software, we observe the histological changes in ovarian development of three species of Arcypteridae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea), which are Omocestus viridulus (Linnaeus), Euchorthippus unicolor (Ikonn.) and Euchorthippus vittatus Zheng. The results show that the volume and shape of oocyte of the three species have an acute changes in oogenesis, especially in vitellogenesis, and the increasing of oocyte volume shows a growing model of a power series. The nuclear development of oocyte has great changes at the beginning and without significant changes at the end. Follicles also show acute and periodical changes in the different stages of oogenesis. Furthermore, biological statistics and analysis show significant difference among three species by comparing their changes at every stage in oogenesis.
keywords:Orthoptera,Arcypteridae,dominant species,oogenesis,statistic analysis,significant difference
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