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王延峰,郑哲民 1. 延安大学生命科学学院陕西 延安 7160002. 陕西师范大学动物研究所陕西 西安 710062 
基金项目:In this paper, a new species of Chorthippus wenquanensis sp. nov. (Orthoptera: Arcypteridae) is described from the Northwest of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. The new species is allied to C. rufitibialus Zheng, Ma & Wang 1996. It differs from the latter in male as follows: longitudinal diameter of eye 1.8–1.9 times subocular furrow; widest of pronotum between lateral carinae 2.0 times narrowest; arolium between claws small, slightly not reaching half length of claws; basal part of hind tibia yellowish brown, not black; claws pale blue in basal part. The type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University.
中文摘要:记述采自新疆西北部网翅蝗科雏蝗属Chorthippus 1新种,即温泉雏蝗Chorthippus wenquanensis sp. nov.。新种近似于黄胫雏蝗C. rufitibialus, 与后者的主要区别为(♂):复眼纵径约为眼下沟长度的1.8–1.9倍;前胸背板侧隆线间最宽处为最狭处的2.0 倍;后足跗节爪间中垫小,略短于爪长的一半;后足胫节基部黄褐色,非黑色;爪基部淡蓝色。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所标本室。
中文关键词:直翅目  网翅蝗科  雏蝗属  新种  中国
A new species in the genus Chorthippus (Orthoptera: Arcypteridae) from northwest of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China
Abstract:Orthoptera; Arcypteridae; Chorthippus; new species; China
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