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梁飞扬,刘星月,赵锦年,何玉友 1. 中国农业大学昆虫学系北京 1001932. 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所浙江 富阳 311400 
中文摘要:首次报道鳞虫齿属Lepinotus在中国的分布,并记述该属1中国新记录种:网翅鳞虫齿Lepinotus reticulatus Enderlein。该种头红褐色,体躯黄褐色,无单眼和头盖缝臂,仅具前翅,翅脉网格状,具毛;雌虫生殖突外瓣发达,具刚毛。
中文关键词:啮虫目  鳞虫齿属  网翅鳞虫齿  分类  新记录  中国
A newly recorded species of the psocid genus Lepinotus Heyden (Psocoptera: Trogiomorpha: Trogiidae) from China
Abstract:The genus Lepinotus Heyden is recorded from mainland China for the first time. Lepinotus reticulatus Enderlein is newly recorded from China and herein described based on female specimens from Zhejiang Province in Southeast China.
keywords:Psocoptera  Lepinotus  Lepinotus reticulatus  taxonomy  new record  China
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